Friday, April 15, 2005

List your website at various search engines...

As i was searching various search engine available through google, i found a website that help you list your website on various search engines. Search engines that were available in the list are Aeiwi, Aesop, AllTheWeb, Altavista, Direct Hit, EuroFerret, ExactSeek, Excite, Hotbot, InfoMak, Jayde, Google, Lycos, MSN, NorthernLight, SearchALot, SearchIt, Voila, Webcrawler, WebWombat and WhatUSeek. Total number of search engines? 21! Yes, just one submission and your site listed on 21 search engines @_@ I'm not sure if it works, but i added my site to submission. Will update latest news...

The service is available here at Trafficzap

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