Monday, February 20, 2006

Slide - Photo sharing for groups, photo discovery, and messaging for groups

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Another Feedster-alike service but feeding your photo blog called Slide. I happened to see Slide's flash(looks like Flickr) on one of the blog. Slide provide a unique feature where by viewer are allowed to tweak the speed of the image scrolling. It's kind of cool when you want to skip some "not-interested" photo.

I guess this is the unique thing i like alot about slide. You can also feed other's photo rss feeds'. If you are wondering wether you can feed slide with your album, surprisingly you can. Just download one of their software, the slide player. Mac users are also taken care off, so don't worry, you can join in the fun. But sorry to say, *nix/nux OS is not supported currently.

One more thing which i think it might be cool for eBay users are, you can create a slide for your items that you're selling. Doesn't that cool?

Feel free to read more on how things work on Slide.

*pssst... they are not only supporting graphics, but also others. Here's some of the supported file

...and more!
Here's a list of some of the other files we support
Microsoft office documents type..

Ermm.. doesn't that sounds more toward like file hosting rather than photo hosting..? Don't know. Neway, Slide is currently under Beta. Get a try while it's hot!

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