Thursday, October 06, 2005

SourceForge Upgrade: Performance problems have been resolved

Sourceforge's performance problems have been resolved and they have launched a new project database service offering, available now. This new service offering, based on MySQL 4.1.x, will replace their existing MySQL 3.23.x service.

An overview of this, and other recent enhancements has been posted to Sourceforge's Site Enhancements list at:

Details of Sourceforge new database offering:

* Provides MySQL 4.1.x (the latest production release of MySQL) service to projects, in a manner that will allow us to more readily scale to meet future capacity needs.

* Allows projects to create multiple databases, and provides three user accounts to access these databases (one each with read-only, read-write, and admin access).

* Provides a centralized install of phpMyAdmin, allowing easy management of project databases, and eliminates the need for projects to maintain their own phpMyAdmin install.

* This service is available for project use immediately and documented at:

Notice of planned shutdown of MySQL 3.23 service:

MySQL 3.23 service will be shut down on 2005-11-01. MySQL data
remaining in these databases will be removed at that time. Please
migrate your data and applications to our MySQL 4.1.x service prior to
2005-11-01, if desired.

Sourceforge will handle the clean-up of old MySQL 3.23 data -- no need to do any
house cleaning on the old database before we shut down that service.

Source: An email i received from Sourceforge Team.

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