Thursday, June 09, 2005

Goolge Adsense Publisher Finder

If you read the topic right, it was "GoolGe", not Google. So what's up with that? I'm not sure if the name is intended to "scam/con/ or whatever it is" to download the software. But this is something that can easily mislead people. So what's the "GooGle Adsense Publisher Finder" all about? Below are the definition;

Google Adword now can let you place your ads on specific sites in the Google content network. This online scripts help you find adsense publisher by target keywords, display adsense publisher domains, google pagerank and their traffic rank.

Goolge Adsense Publisher Finder is developed by Scan Secretary Co.

I thought of trying out to check what's my pagerank and stuff, but, im currently on linux, and the software only compatible with Windows platform. Well, it's free to try, and it cost $39.95 to puchase it. Not for me then.

Feel free to try the program, or check it out here.

*I misread the goolge as google which definately bring me into that page. Else i would not have click it. Pay attention to what you read.

Via Free-Press-Release

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